Monday, 14 July 2008

Acid Reflux in Children

Find out about acid reflux

Acid Reflux in Infants and Children
Acid Reflux in Infants and Children

List Price: $19.95
Amazon Price: $19.95

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Editorial Review: Over 20 million adults suffer from acid reflux in the US, but reflux in children is not a high priority but it should be. Why?

Because acid reflux affects more than half of all the new-born children in the U.S. each year. That's upward of 4 million children and their families that are greatly affected by this serious illness. And unfortunately a significant number of those children may not outgrow the effects of the disease for many years, if at all.

There are a lot of ins and outs of dealing with the emotionally and physically draining times that can accompany caring for a child with a chronic illness such as acid reflux. Acid Reflux in Infants and Children can help guide you through them. (This book is a retitled edition of Making Life Better for a Child with Acid Reflux). Why should you believe us? First, this book is written by parents of a child who suffers from severe acid reflux. Second, several medical professionals who deal with reflux and chronic illnes...

Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours

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This site gives information on acid reflux, heartburn and gerd symptoms, causes of acid reflux and heart burn, acid reflux medication, natural remedies for acid reflux and conventional acid reflux and heart burn cures. If you suffer from acid reflux symptoms you may benefit from an acid reflux diet which advises which foods to avoid to provide best acid reflux care. Also details on acid reflux in babies and infants, and remedies for acid reflux and heartburn.

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