Tuesday, 16 September 2008


find out about thrush

Diaper Rash & Thrush 2 oz
Diaper Rash & Thrush 2 oz

List Price:
Amazon Price: $14.95

Average Customer Rating: (1 reviews)
Editorial Review: An excellent all-natural salve for diaper rash, including persistent, inflamed diaper rash possibly caused by yeast. It is also effective on yeast infected nursing nipples that can transfer as thrush to babies mouth.

Customer Reviews:
Summary: great for cloth diapers
Content: this stuff is great - it's especially good with the fuzzi bunz and doesn't coat it and make it less absorbable (is that a word?) it's a little pricey, but definitely worth it. it lasts quite a long time.

findoutaboutthrush.com is a website which provides information on the subject of thrush. Dealing with all aspects of this condition; the symptoms of thrush, the cause of thrush, the diagnosis of thrush, thrush treatment, infant thrush, oral thrush, vaginal thrush, or baby thrush, this site advises on how to manage thrush, how to treat thrush, thrush medicine, thrush cures and how to avoid developing thrush.

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