Monday, 21 January 2008


Learn about your Bengal

Barrons Books Bengal Cats
Barrons Books Bengal Cats

List Price: $17.64
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Editorial Review: This manual offers insights into one of the newest breeds of domestic cat to be developed. The Bengal retains some traits of its wild ancestor, the Asian Leopard Cat, including its beauty and love of water. Yet the Bengal is as tame and "domesticated" as any other household breed. Here, with dozens of color photos and drawings, is advice on diet, health, and everything else a Bengal cat owner should know. Paperback / 96 Pages / 6 1/2 x 7 7/8 / 1995

Customer Reviews:
This website aims to tell you all you need to know about the Bengal breed of cat. Pedigree or pet cat, rescued or purebred, understanding the unique characteristics, temperament, health issues, origins and appropriate care for your bengal can only enrich your feline experience. If you have an bengal cat for sale, adoption or surrender, if you are looking to buy or rescue bengal kittens or a litter of cats, this website can provide information on all aspects of the bengal breed.

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