Wednesday, 4 June 2008


ringowrm, athlete's foot and jock itch

Zeasorb-AF - 2.5 oz
Zeasorb-AF - 2.5 oz

List Price:
Amazon Price: $7.49

Average Customer Rating: (2 reviews)
Editorial Review: Zeasorb-AF contains the same wonderful base as Zeasorb Powder, along with Miconazole Nitrate 2%. This is a superaborbent powder for the control of fungal infections. Problems such as Athlete´s foot, Jock Itch and Ringworm will all respond to this product. Remember, warm, moist environments are ideal for allowing for the growth of fungi and bacteria. Keeping these areas dry will go a long way to preventing problems. Having an effective antifungal agent in your powder will go a long way in helping prevent chronic reinfections. Zeasorb-AF is clinically proven to help in the control and treatment of these conditions and helps relieve the itching, scaling, burning, and other symptoms of discomfort.

Customer Reviews:
Summary: Dry Alternative to AntiFungal Creams or Ointments
Content: Great antifungal results - skin heals immediately! Many family applications - in addition to application to the feet, this powder soothes and heals diaper rash, external feminine yeast infection, and irritation caused by adult incontinence. Best of all, it is not a damp, sticky ointment, but rather a dry, soothing powder.

This website gives information about ringworm athletes foot and jock itch, the causes of ringworm, the diagnosis of ringworm, the symptoms of ringworm, the treatment of ringworm, and home remedies for ringworm. Whether you seek information on ringworm in adults, ringworm in children, how to treat ringworm at home, alternative remedies for ringworm, this site will help you. We also provide descriptions of what ringworm looks like, the appearance of ringworm in its different forms (ringworm of the foot, ringworm of the scalp, ringworm elsewhere on the body), how to avoid getting ringworm and the possibility of transmission between humans and animals.

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