Wednesday, 23 April 2008


Find out about cellulite

Cellulite Buster: The 30-Day Diet Plan
Cellulite Buster: The 30-Day Diet Plan

List Price: $16.95
Amazon Price: $9.09

Average Customer Rating:
No current rating.
Editorial Review: Here is a bright and breezy, no-nonsense book to tackle cellulite, wobbly thighs and flabby bottoms. Monica Grenfell is back to form with a clear 30-day diet plan with emphasis on soluble fibre, spring water and 6 key foods. The book includes clear, no-nonsense home exercises with measurement charts to keep tabs on your progress as well as motivational beauty regimes. The dietindeed the entire bookwill be original material.

Availability: In stock soon. Order now to get in line. First come, first served.

Customer Reviews:
This site provides information on cellulite, cellulite causes, cellulite reduction, cellulite diet, and cellulite treatments. It gives details of products such as cellulite creams, cellulite lotions and cellulite theraies which aim to reduce cellulite, get rid of cellulite or cure cellulite, discusses exercise to reduce cellulite, diet to help cellulite and explains cellulite myths.

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