Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Vitamin B6

all you need to know about vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 Therapy: Nature's Versatile Healer
Vitamin B6 Therapy: Nature's Versatile Healer

List Price: $9.95
Amazon Price: $9.94

Average Customer Rating: (1 reviews)

Customer Reviews:
Summary: the real book about the vitamin
Content: this amazing work of the world's authority on the b6-vitamin is a must in every physician's desk!.it shows the extraordinary work of that remarcable vitamin-b6.many interesting case histories in the book are realy amazing. Read and learn a remarcable book on the subject that is explained in a easy to understand way, and in enlightment.a true book on the subject.

This website provides information about vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and its use in the human body; why vitamin B6 is necessary for health, what happens if you have too much or overdose on vitamin B6 or have too little and develop a vitamin B6 deficiency. The site provides details of nutrition, the recommended daily allowance for each vitamin (RDA) and how to source vitamin B6 to ensure a healthy balanced diet. Guidance is given on the vitamin content of specific foods and vitamin supplements are available to buy.

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